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Putter Fitting

Putter Fitting
Over 40% of the shots the average golfer takes are with the putter yet the putter remains the the least custom fit club in the bag. Putters are chosen by trial and error or what the looks good to the eye. Four critical elements should be considered when choosing a putter:
Putter Style 
Putter design style can greatly influence how accurate you are with your putts. For example a mallet putter will match a different stroke than a blade style putter will.  Matching your stroke type to putter design type will increase the probability of a square face at impact.
Putter Length
Every golfer is a different height, yet almost every putter is 35 inches in length. Improper set up can make it difficult to make a consistent stroke. The proper length can make all the difference.
Putter lie
Having the heel or toe off the ground at impact can lead the putter face headed somewhere other than the intended target. Adjusting the lie angle will get you hitting putts on your intended line.
Putter loft
Hand position at impact can lead to the need for a loft adjustment on your putter. If you forward press you might need more loft. If you have a wristy stroke and are striking the putt on a slight upswing reducing the loft may help roll the ball more smoothly.
The easiest way to shave strokes off your handicap is by making more putts. Taking the time to have your putter fit is critical to success on the green.

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